Rhode Island's Legal Information

Rhode Island Business Name Search, Secretary of State, and LLC Costs

Rhode Island Articles of Organization Website:


Name Availability:  http://business.sos.ri.gov/CorpWeb/UccSearch/UccSearch.aspx

Rhode Island Secretary of State
148 W. River Street
Providence, RI 02904-2615 

Telephone:  401-222-3040

LLC Documents:  https://docs.sos.ri.gov/documents/BusinessServices/400-articles-of-organization.pdf

Filing Fee:  $150

Filing Instructions:  To file online, go to: https://business.sos.ri.gov/corp/LoginSystem/login_form.asp?NewFiling=True then scroll down to Domestic Limited Liability Company and select Articles of Organization.  Or you can mail the Articles of Organization to the above address.

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For step-by-step audio instructions on how to prepare and file your Articles of Organization, check out our LLC Packages.


To return to the list of links to the information for each state:  https://www.legalees.com/state-information/