Business Evaluation Criteria | Sole Proprietorship | General Partnership | LLP | LLC | S Corp | C Corp |
Liability protection from business debts | No | No | Low | Very High | High | High |
Company Name Protection | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Easy To Maintain | Yes | Yes | Moderate | Moderate | No | No |
May Be Owned By Another Company | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
May Issue Shares of Interest | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Tax Benefits | Low | Low | Low | High + | High | Very High |
Double Taxes On Dividends | No | No | No | Maybe | No | Yes |
Unlimited # of Owners | No | Impractical | Impractical | Yes | Controlled by Law | Yes |
Non-US Owners Allowed | Yes | Yes | Maybe | Maybe | No | Yes |
Personal Thoughts | ||||||
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