The Basics on Estates and Trusts

For centuries the “last will and testament” was the standard for estate planning. Since the living revocable trust was introduced, the trust has become pretty much a standard in estate planning. Estates and trusts go together now like estates and wills used to go together. However, it

Legal Will Forms

Writing a legal will is probably the easiest thing a lawyer can do. There are only a few legal requirements and the documents don’t need to be very long. If you are thinking of doing it yourself, you can. However certain legal requirements need to be met,

Economic Substance Doctrine

I’ve had a question from a student about the “economic substance doctrine.” This has been a club that the IRS used against people for years. However, the ObamaCare legislation beefed it up and actually made it a law. The IRS has always argued, and the courts have

Real Estate Management With Trusts & LLCs

We often receive interesting questions from our students. We received permission to publish this one as a Blog since it might be of interest to many of you visiting our site. Comment: Thank you for your help. I hope learning all this is not “too little too