Irrevocable trusts are very different from revocable trusts in the way they are taxed. An irrevocable trust needs to get a tax ID (EIN) number and pay taxes each year by filing a 1041 tax return. Trust tax rates are very high as you can see here.
Divorce is one of the most traumatic events life can dish out. Some couple get through it as friends, but many have the hate and hurt overwhelm the situation. Obviously, try to come back to a new normal and don’t let the hate and revenge canker you.
The SECURE Act of 2019 is supposed to help Americans save more for their retirement. It encourages small employers to help by giving them credits for the start-up costs associated with setting up pension and retirement plans. There are lots of changes in the laws associated with
Say Goodbye to Kristy, Not Your Money By Lee R. Phillips, JD Please give me a little grace for a late newsletter this month. My wife, Kristy, died unexpectedly on September 9th, and her funeral was on the 21st. She was in her sixth year of ALS.