Definition of a Trust

The definition of a trust, in general, is that a “trust” is a legal entity that is able to own property and other assets. It is one of the oldest and best defined relationships known in the law. The Babylonians used trusts, and every society since then

Taxing Behavior

Many investors spend hours trying to figure out how to engineer an extra half percent on their investments, but they haven’t given much thought to tax planning. Proper tax planning can increase your ultimate returns by 30% or more. Your future financial security probably depends much more

A Word About Joint Tenancy – Don’t

Joint Tenancy-Don’t Do It Joint tenancy is owning something–anything–with another person who is or is not related. It could easily prove to be your worst financial nightmare. Many Americans own at least their house and a bank account in joint tenancy. The joint tenancy nightmare begins innocently when