People play lots of games to try and avoid probate. Most of the games end in a disaster for most of the players. Usually, it’s the government that ends up with the money and the last laugh. I’m trying to help you avoid these costs, but I
How to fund a trust (or better yet: how NOT to fund a trust) is an important topic. I recently received the following from one of my students regarding the disbursement of assets from her father’s accounts after his death, now eight years ago and counting: I
“How do I put property into a trust?” is a question I often get after someone forms a living revocable trust. This is an important question. Putting property into a trust is also known as funding the trust. Funding a trust is the engine that runs a
Most folks have heard about a family trust, and they may know that it has to do with the law, but they don’t know much about them. A family trust is an estate planning document organized to help hold and pass property upon a death. It may