Die Intestate-Reasons It’s Not Good For Your Estate

To die intestate doesn’t mean dying in the neighboring state or dying without any assets. Dying intestate means to die without a valid will or a trust. A will is the legal instrument that tells the judge how the decedent wishes his/her property or estate to be

Avoid Probate in Every State

Avoid Probate – Overview Avoid probate and the time delay and expense if a loved one passes away or becomes incapacitated. Here comes the probate trick. When your bank account is owned by your trust, i.e., it is in the name of your trust, and you die,

How Estate Planning is like eating a Marshmallow?

Years ago I remember reading about a “Marshmallow Experiment,” where Stanford researcher Walter Mischel gave a group of three to five year-olds a choice: Eat one marshmallow now, or wait fifteen minutes and get two marshmallows. The experiment was intended to measure children’s ability to delay gratification. Mischel found that only 30 percent of the […]