Insurance evaluation is a vital part of buying insurance. Life insurance premiums may be one of the biggest continuous cash drains you have. Nobody wants to spend their hard earned money on expensive life insurance. We all want value for our money. Many people feel their skin
Revocable living trusts need to own your assets or the primary reason for a revocable living trust, probate avoidance, isn’t going to be achieved. For the trust to own the assets, they need to be retitled in the name of the revocable living trust. Each type of
Self-Directed IRA Custodians are not all created equally. You need to carefully check out your self directed IRA custodian. I have seen a number of cases this past year where the IRS is coming after people because of what they have done with their self directed IRA.
By Lee Phillips Inheritance is the way assets are passed to your family or heirs once you have died. Assets are pretty much anything you own such as real estate, stock certificates or bank accounts. The average inheritance passed in the United States today is about $200,000.