What Taxes REALLY Cost You

Taxes are your biggest impediment to financial success.  The IRS has lulled us into just ignoring the fact that they are taking huge chunks out of our pay checks. If people had to write out a check for their taxes every month, they would revolt.  It’s real

Insurance as Your First Line of Defense

Believe it or not, insurance is one of your best asset protection tools. Many people want huge expensive legal structures so that they have a “bullet proof shield” to protect their assets.  Lawyers are more than happy to take their money.  Many lawyers have ongoing costs associated

Series LLCs

Series LLCs haven’t been around, relatively speaking, very long. The series LLC is a creation of state law. Only about a dozen states have series LLC laws today. More states are passing series LLC legislation all the time, but most states don’t currently have series LLCs laws.