LLC Tax Classification: What it is and How to get it LLC tax classification is the way you choose your LLC entity taxing structure. LLC is short for limited liability company. There are folks who think that LLC is short for Limited Liability Corporation, but that’s not
LLC yourself or form an LLC company without a lawyer? Sure, you can do it yourself. The forms are not complicated and can be easily filled out and filed. In fact, most states have a set of “fill in the blank” Articles of Organization available on the
When you are starting a business, what do you do about business taxes? This is an important question because there is a strict tax law in the United States. The form of business you operate determines the different business taxes you will pay and how you pay.
Tax Tips That Lower Adjusted Gross Income Are A Lot More Valuable Than Standard Deduction Tax Tips Not all tax tips are created equal. Tax tips that lower your adjusted gross income are a lot more valuable than tax tips that just give you a standard deduction.