Which state is best to file your LLC in? Forming an LLC requires a lot of choices. The first is probably which state to file your LLC in. The quick answer is that it is usually the easiest and least expensive to form an LLC in your
Small business tax deductions can save a great deal of money on taxes. I have always said that your own small business can be your best tax deduction. The other day I mentioned this at my Arizona Boot Camp. One of the attendees mentioned that starting a
2013 Mileage Rate – Should My Car Be a Company Car? The 2013 mileage rate has been announced by the IRS. The 2013 mileage rate is up a little from the 2012 mileage rates. Using the mileage rate can help on the bottom line for taxes. It
When you are starting a business, what do you do about business taxes? This is an important question because there is a strict tax law in the United States. The form of business you operate determines the different business taxes you will pay and how you pay.