Creating a will is one very important step to ensure things go smoothly when you die. Please be very careful who you name as your personal representative in a will. Choosing the right someone to administer your wishes can be as important as the document itself. When
Do I need a will? This question has only one quick response. Yes. The truth is that there is no age or wealth requirement on those who need a will. Everyone needs a will and the sooner the better. Life is full of unexpected consequences and preparation
Advanced planning and a good estate plan can make a difference for any person or business. A good example was in the news last week when the Carnival ship Triumph broke loose from its moorings and was damaged. This was the same ship that was towed across
Avoid Probate – Overview Avoid probate and the time delay and expense if a loved one passes away or becomes incapacitated. Here comes the probate trick. When your bank account is owned by your trust, i.e., it is in the name of your trust, and you die,