Adjusted gross income is something you may not understand, and yet it is the number or tax concept that is at the core of how much you pay in taxes each year. Tax tips that will lower your adjusted gross income are a lot more valuable than
Adjusted gross income or “AGI” is the most important concept you need to understand in order to control your tax bill. Most people haven’t really ever heard the term “adjusted gross income,” and their CPA has never sat them down to explain it. Adjusted gross income is
Alternative Minimum Tax Returns The alternative minimum tax (AMT) is coming back with a vengeance in 2012. In 2011, a couple filing jointly didn’t have to worry about the alternative minimum tax until they hit an adjusted gross income of over $74,000 In 2012, the alternative minimum
I have tried really hard to stay out of the political battles, but I need to weigh in on this one. The trillion dollar tax increase President Obama wants, on top of the half trillion tax increase imposed in the health care bill will sink our economy. The following graph shows the top tax rates […]