Avoiding Probate on Your Business

One of the most commonly “missed” properties that should be owned by your living revocable trust is your LLC or corporation. One of the principal uses of a revocable living trust is to avoid probate.  However, the majority of people who get a living trust don’t avoid

Minimum Disclosure on Mortgages

We just finished a great 2-day Boot Camp in Salt Lake City, Utah this Monday and Tuesday. At the Boot Camp, a student started to discuss mortgage applications.  He was shocked when I said to never disclose more than was necessary to get the mortgage.  In fact,

Estate Planning Taxes

“Estate planning taxes” do not exist. There is no tax on the process of estate planning. However, if you neglect to set up an estate plan, it will cost you. If you don’t take action, your family will lose money in the form of probate, state estate

The Art of Insurance Estate Planning

Life insurance has always been an estate planning tool. Estate planning, life insurance, wills, and trusts have always gone together like bread and butter. But, life insurance estate planning techniques have taken a hit since the Obama tax extensions. Life insurance is sold on three premises. 1)