S Corporations Dodge the Bullet

The Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2010 was designed to follow the “pay as you go laws,” which means, the bill needed to generate taxes equal to the cost of extending unemployment payments.

What does all this have to do with S corpor…

Need Some Extra Cash?

Beginning a business doesn’t have to cost much money. You can fill out and file the forms you need by yourself. Just be certain you take the time to be educated about the business form you use and why. I am bullish on the LLC.

Student Question on FICO Scores

Q.  Can an insurance company use your FICO score to raise your insurance premiums up on your personal residence if the trust owns the property? I plan to cancel the policy and have it re written in the trust name. A.  Insurance companies have figured out that

Issuing Membership Certificates for an LLC

Membership Certificate vs. Stock By Lee R. Phillips One of the issues that seemed to be of particular interest at our boot camp the first of March was ownership of the LLC.  Ownership is represented by the “stock” held in the LLC. Of course, there isn’t any stock in an LLC.  It is a “membership […]