Single or Multi Member LLC?

There is one slight advantage to a single member LLC. If you are the sole owner of the entity (single member LLC) you can choose to be taxed as a sole proprietor or corporation (C or S). If you are willing to be taxed as a “sole proprietorship,” then you don’t need to get an EIN. You will still operate as an LLC, but it will be a “disregarded entity” in the eyes of the IRS.

Living Revocable Trusts and FDIC Bank Insurance

You can have more than $250,000 at one insured bank or savings association and still be fully insured provided the accounts meet certain requirements. For instance, if you have a joint account then each person listed on the account can have $250,000. This is where living revocable trusts fit in. A living revocable trust account at an FDIC insured bank can have more than $250,000 as long as it has more than one beneficiary.

How To Protect High Income, Bonuses & Dividends

How can you protect your assets ahead of time? There are certain questions you need to consider. How risky is your business? Are you a detail person? Do you have a family? What state are you living in? It is always a good idea to hold your home in your own name for tax reasons.