The Living Trust Screw-up

I had a client bring a “living trust” to me last week.  The client thought the trust was going to solve all of his estate planning problems.  NOT SO!!  It was done by an insurance agent, and this guy had set him up with an “irrevocable personal

Tax Identity Theft – Be Careful!

Tax identity theft is a troubling topic.  Everyone has a social security number and it was meant to be used for our dealings with the government.  To track our taxes, unfortunately it has been used in other places and has become public. This means other folks can

Buying Bargain Houses

If you are buying bargain houses, this is a warning.  The banks have put together bundles of 200 – 500 houses and sold them for pennies on the dollar to investors.  The investors have turned into seminar promoters, built fancy websites, and hit everybody with a names